速報APP / 生產應用 / Staff App for GymMaster

Staff App for GymMaster



檔案大小:70.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Staff App for GymMaster(圖1)-速報App

The GymMaster Online app allows you to not only view all of your important business and member information, but also control many of your club's administrative tasks so you can run your club from wherever you may be.

View Club Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The Dashboard shows important club statistics at a glance - memberships, visitation, bookings & more.

Staff App for GymMaster(圖2)-速報App

View and Edit Member Details

Access member details, check them in and send them SMS, Emails or make calls from your device.

View Club Visitors in Real Time

See who's working out and when. Visitation history & real time pop-ups notify you of check ins.

Staff App for GymMaster(圖3)-速報App

Remote Access Control

Open your club's doors for members & staff, or even change door modes from your device.

*GymMaster Access Control Required

Staff App for GymMaster(圖4)-速報App

View Bookings and Scheduled Classes

Plan your day on-the-go with personal trainer appointments and class timetables available in your pocket.

Manage Outstanding Communications Tasks

Edit email or SMS templates and send them to your members with the push of a button.

Staff App for GymMaster(圖5)-速報App

One Click GymMaster Online Login

Easily log in to your full GymMaster Online panel within the GymMaster Staff app.

Scan Access Control Tags (Android Only)

Staff App for GymMaster(圖6)-速報App

View member profiles and check them in with a tap of your phone. Requires your device having in-build RFID readers.

This app is for the use of Staff at facilities running GymMaster only, if you're looking for the GymMaster app for Members please search "GymMaster Member".


Staff App for GymMaster(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad